Okulamusa (greetings)
Okubuuza (greeting) Okuddamu (response)
Wasuze otya?(How have you (singular) spent the night?) Nasuze bulungi (I have spent the night well.)
Mwasuze mutya (How have you (plural) spent the night?) Twasuze bulungi.(We have spent the night well)
Osibye otya?(How have you (singular) spent the day?) Nsibye bulungi.(I have spent the day well.)
Musibye mutya?(How have you (plural) spent the day?) Twasibye bulungi.(We have spent the day well.)
Oli otya?(How are you (singular)?) Gye ndi.(I am fine.)
Muli mutya?(How are you (plural)?) Gye tuli.(We are fine.)
Gyebale (Well done) Kale(Ok)