The concepts necessary for Luganda discourse on the science of electricity

IALI NGO has been authorized by terminologist Charles Muwanga to post articles from his Luganda scientific works on Luganda wikipedia for free public consumption.

10. The discourse on the concept of “Amasannyalaze” (electricity).

(a) Amasannyalaze (electricity )

(b) (c) Okusannyalaza (to charge)

(d) (e) Obusannyalazo (Electrons)

(f) (g) Ekisannyalazo (Charge)

(h) (i) Ebisannyalazo (Charges)

(j) (k) Obukontanyo /Konta (Protons)

(l) (m) Nampawengwa (Nampa) (Neutrons)

(n) (o) Okukontana (to be the Opposite of to Contradict)

(p) (q) Okumyansuka ( to flash)

(r) (s) Ekimyansuko (Lightening)

(t) (u) Ebitondekeso by’amasannyalaze (Electrical Generators)

(v) (w) Obukaaki bw’amasannyalazi (Arcs Of Electricity)

(x) (y) Omugendo bw’amasannyalaze (Electric Current)

(z) (aa) Omugendo bw’amasannyalaze Omutereevu (Direct Current)

(bb) (cc) Omugendo gw’amasannyalaze Ogwekyusaganya (Alternating Current )

(dd) (ee) Entagenda (Statics)

(ff) (gg) Ebisannyalazo Eby’entagenda (Static Charges)

(hh) (ii) Amasannyalaze Ag’entagenda (Static Electricity)

(jj) (kk) Ebikugiro by’Amasannyalaze (Insulators)

(ll) (mm) Entagenda y’Amasannyalaze (Electrostatics)

(nn) (oo) *Ekibulungulo (Satellite)

(pp) (qq) Ebibulungulo (Satellites)

(rr) (ss) Ebibulungulo eby’obutonde (Natural satellites)

(tt) (uu) Ebibulungulo ebitondekewo (Artificial satellites )

(vv) (ww) *Ebyebulungulo (Electrical or magnetic fields)

(xx) (yy) Ebyebulungulo by’amasannyalaze (Electrical Fields)

(zz) (aaa) Ebyebulungulo by’ensikirizo Gravitational Field

(bbb) (ccc) Ebyebulungulo bya Magineeti (Magnetic Fields)

(ddd) (eee) Ekisannyalazo ky’Amasannyalaze (Electrical Charge)

(fff) (ggg) Omugendo (Ray)

(hhh) (iii) Ekigendo =ekibalo ky’omugendo (Vector)

(jjj) (kkk) Ekisannyalazo ekya Negatiivu (Negative Charge)

(lll) Ekisannyalazo ekya Pozitiivu (Positive Charge)