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Luganda kyusa

Nkwanirizza ku nfo yange ey'oku Wikipediya eno. Nduubirira okuyamba okutereeza ettabi erya Wikipedia ery'olulimi Oluganda.

Era ngezako okuwagira byonna ebitumbula okusaasaanya eby'amagezi mu lulimi Oluganda. Nateekawo omusingi ogw'olulimi olwo ogw'omu kompyuta ezesigama ku fayiro eza 'gnu c library' oba 'glibc'. Fayiro zino zisobezesa omuntu omulala yenna okuwa pulogulamu gy'aba awandise okugisobozesa okukolera mu Luganda.

Bw'obeera oyagala, osobola okutuukirira wano.

Bye nettanira kyusa

English kyusa

Welcome to my user page. I intend to contribute to the Luganda Wikipedia.

I am also interested in any other ways of promoting the dissemination of knowledge in Luganda. I have already produced the Luganda locale for the GNU C Library, or glibc. So it is possible to have computer applications with a Luganda interface.

The best place to contact me is on my talk page.

My interests kyusa